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Ssh port tunnelling connection type


currently evaluating Royal TSX as a replacement for MobaXterm. Great app so far. I like it.

A feature I miss is "Ssh port forwarding" with reconnect and autostart. Moba has a dedicated feature for that.

I know, I can configure SSH Local and Remote tunnelling for a terminal connection,  but this means to have a bunch of "always open" connection.

I suggest a special connection type "SSH port forwarding" (ssh -N)

- Visible in the "Active tunnels Tab"

- Optional: Autostart the connection with the document

- Optional: Auto reconnect the tunnel after connection drop/wake up from sleep. 

- Optional: Background mode with menu bar status.

Maybe extend the secure gate connection to support this?

Hi there,

unless I'm misunderstanding something, this is exactly what the Secure Gateway feature is all about.

Please see the following blog post which introduces the feature:

Hope that helps!



Does RoyalTSX version 6 supports ssh port forwarding?

This feature is a must.

Most of my servers don't have a NAT IP and I connect to that servers through another server with a NAT IP address.

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