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WebPlugin with full HTML5 support like Chrome

I can`t use Royal TSX to manage vCenter and ESX today via html5 interface. Safari webplugin is not supported by VMware because lack of full html5 compatibility. For example, tasks are not displayed, blue screen instead of login prompt in esxi.

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Hi Wojciech,

additional testing showed that the same procedure helps with the vCenter console.

We've just updated our WebKit troubleshooting KB article with all the steps necessary to fix this issue.

Please read the "Issues with the modern WebKit engine" section of the KB article and let us know if the workaround works for you too.



We just updated the KB article again with some additional tips for troubleshooting.



We are using the Web plugin to access our esx hosts. It does show a blue screen which is annoying but right click in the window and select Reload and then the login prompt should display. Irritating but at least it works. We have the URL configured for the esx host console to: https://esxhostname/ui/#/login and the engine set as Modern. I still can not get it to autofill the credentials and I have tried several different methods. If anyone knows how to get it to do that properly please comment.


We were previously able to reproduce the "stuck blue screen" issue but this seems to have been resolved in newer version of the HTML5 client.

Regarding auto fill:

There are two problems:

  1. The VMware web client loads its login UI using JavaScript and it takes an unknown amount of time to appear. If you configure a high enough delay in the auto fill settings you can get the page to properly fill the HTML fields.
  2. The VMware web client doesn't allow login until it receives real(!) keypresses in both, the username and password fields. Unfortunately this cannot be simulated using JavaScript so even if you get the fields to properly auto fill you will not be able to click login. As a workaround you can enter a blank and immediately remove it in both fields. This will then enable the login button

Hi Felix, here's the video showing wiht custom user agent, logged-in, closed the browser tab, but instead requiring login again --

Hi Reynold,

can you please try disabling "Prevent cross-site tracking"?



On the webpage about Royal TSX 4.0 Beta you have written "Web connections can now be used in Chrome and Firefox browser extensions". I installed this version but I cant find Chrome extension. How can I install them?


Hi Wojciech,

I think you misunderstood that statement.

This actually refers to being able to use web connections created in Royal TSX from our Firefox and Chrome browser extensions. Previously, only credential objects were shown and usable from the browser extensions. Now you also access web connections.

So to clear up the confusion: There are no new web plugins included in Royal TSX V4.



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