I really want to see this feature in next version of Royal TSX, hope it will be implemented ASAP, because I'm migrating from MobaXTerm where it's nicely implemented already.
I'd really like to see this feature!
Is it a lot of effort to implement the nested secure gateway dependency?
This would also be great for the file transfer feature.
Good Morning Klein, I solved this task using Royal TSX version2
Create new Terminal
Connection Type: Custom Terminal
under Advanced column on the left
Custome Commands
ssh -A -t SERVER_1 ssh -t -A SERVER_2 ssh -A -t SERVER_3 ssh -t -A FINAL_SERVER
This can be easily completed if you exchange the ssh key between hops.
This works only on TSX version for Mac
Unfortunatly there's no this option on windows version
Sander Klein
Sometimes you have to hop through multiple devices to get on the end device you want to use. It would be nice to be able to make secure gateways dependent on each other just like you can do with SSH.
So to get on device C I first need to log in to device A, then device B and finally I get to C. If I could just say: Device C depends on secure gateway B and secure gateway B depends on secure gateway A then I could click on device C and RoyalTSX will tunnel through both A and B to C.
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