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Open VMware VM without leaving connection tab

I was able to simplify setting up VMware vm connections with Royal TSX thanks to a great interaction with support. Thank you! Now I have individual connection entries for many ESXi VMs and when I double click them they open a console window. This all works great. The thing that is very strange is that after opening the VM window there is a connection tab left behind that shows all of the VMs available on the server. This isn’t the end of the world but I think it would be better to not open the tab if a VM is configured to be opened. If there is a real use case for opening a vm and also seeing the tab, maybe it could just be a configurable option to not show the tab? In the mean time while everyone drops everything to implement this, would it be possible to have a connection task that could be run that closes the VM server tab after the connection is established? Maybe the AppleScript interface can be used to close the tab? Any thoughts on how to do that?
1 Comment

I was surprised to hear that nobody else has requested this. Are there people out there who actually use this ability to directly open an ESXi vm who also wants to keep the vm list displayed? If so, can you explain why? Maybe I'm missing something? I find it annoying when I use Royal TSX ESXi connection links that it opens a new vm list tab each time. It's easy enough to close the tabs, but I'm guessing it would also be easy enough to never open the tab if a VM is configured to be opened.

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