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Support Dynamic Virtual Channels on Mac

Tricerat has produced a Screwdrivers DVC plugin that works with FreeRDP on the Mac via Homebrew.  It provides dramatically better printing performance than using the built-in RD Easy Print.

Since FreeRDP via Homebrew is not something we want our users to have to deal with, we were investigating other options and Royal TSX came up in our search.  As Royal TSX leverages FreeRDP "under-the-hood" it would be great if we could pass the DVC plugin into the underlying FreeRDP code so we could give our RDS users a user-friendly way to access our services.

Here is a link to the documentation for the DVC plugin installation:

1 Comment

Hi Damon,

we are happy to report that this feature is now available in the latest Royal TSX V6 Build, which can be downloaded here:

You can find the Release Notes here:

As mentioned in your ticket, could you please follow these steps to test the functionality and let us know if the implementation works for you? 

1.)First, please move the virtual channel library to the path where Royal TSX expects it. In our case the library was installed to:


Unfortunately, Royal TSX can not find it in the default install location so you will have to move it to:


In case that folder doesn't exist, please create the following folder and move it there manually:


2.)Once this has been done, the following property must be set/configured in your rtsz file using a text editor. This can be done by adding the following additional line for each connection that is to use the virtual channel:


After that, save your changes, start Royal TSX and check if the Dynamic Virtual Channel is working for you. If you could let us know if this works for you, it would be greatly appreciated. 

Thanks & best regards,


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