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Navigation panel behaviour improvement

I'm someone who prefers navigation panel to be hidden. Opening a new tab is an action I do not use often, as I usually keep my active connections in tabs. There's no need for it to occupy the screen space all the time. But there is no way to hide the nav panel without consequences.

If it's set to be hidden, it keeps popping up when the mouse cursor hits the left or right edge of the screen. There is no way to turn this off. The way the panel pops up in "autohide" mode is very nice, as it doesn't shift the screen contents, the problem is WHEN it pops up. It would be perfect if it could have been summoned only by clicking a toolbar button, or with a keyboard shortcut. But it pops up when a mouse cursor hits the edge of the window, and there's no way to switch that off.

With the current state of things, I have only two options - hide the panel on the left or right. When it's on the right, it keeps popping up every time I move the cursor away (so it doesn't bother me while I'm typing). The awfulness completes by the fact the nav panel captures keystrokes and can delete connections without confirmation when I press Backspace. That is unacceptable, so I've switched "autohide" to the left side. This causes another nuisance - whenever I need to select text in terminal, I move the cursor to the left edge, press the mouse button and begin to move the cursor to extend the selected area - and at that moment the nav panel pops up.

Royal TSX is a tool, it's a tool for work. Work that is often hard, urgent, stressful. I believe that it has to have as little annoyances as possible for the user, and not get in the way. Making a new connection is not something one needs all the time, and even if it is, it should only pop up when a user intends to summon it.

Ideally, there should be a configuration option to keep "autohide" on but turn off the mouse show behaviour. The panel can be summoned by a keyboard shortcut, or there could be a button on the toolbar. 

But as a minimum request, I would only ask for a small modification to the existing logic: to track a mouse button press event during the auto-show delay (which is erroneously called "autohiding delay" in the settings), and not show the panel if the mouse button was pressed after the cursor entered the edge of the window. A pressed mouse button indicates some work being done by the user, and it's not proper to interrupt that work by any pop ups. Just like now the panel does not pop up when the mouse button is pressed already. It's the same UX logic. 

Thank you.

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