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WebKit-Plugin doesn't support SSL Client-Certificate

Related question: Chrome-Plugin doesn't support SSL Client-Certificate (

Our server managing platform uses client certificate on Nginx proxy. It seems from the question above that it was support on the Windows platform. However on WebView browser in Royal TSX it seems not supported as I can only get the message  "400 Bad Request - No required SSL certificate was sent - nginx" without any prompt for certificate.

Is it possible that you can add the support to TSX as well? Thanks!
1 Comment

Hi there,

I'm happy to report that in the most recent Royal TSX beta and the corresponding WebKit plugin we added SSL client certificate handling.

Like in Safari, your certificate must be stored in the Keychain and if that's the case, you'll get a prompt to pick the certificate to use when navigating to a website that requires a client certificate.

Please grab the latest Royal TSX beta from here and make sure you install all plugin updates. Then, please test the new feature by navigating to a website that requires a client certificate using the WebKit plugin.

Please let us know if it works for you!


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