Yes, I require this feature too.
The well known tool "Remote Desktop Manager" offers this feature and many other tools as well.
It is not just more practical to work with but if one uses macOS "Stage Manager", the navigation panel gets covered up by the "Stage Manager". So it is not possible to comfortably work with both.
This problem would not exist if we had an alternative menu bar icon from which the navigation panel could be used.
@Royal TS: Please fix this!
Steven Wittwer
I am a new paid TSX user, and have a quick question/idea.
I know that you can right click the dock icon and open saved sessions from there, but is it possible to add a menu bar icon in Mac OS with the same functionality? It is just more intuitive and also more what I am used to for work flow.
If it is not possible, can I submit it as a feature request?
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