Hi Alan,
currently, Command Tasks can only be executed within a connection, as shown here:
This way, tokens with values are resolved within the connection.
Alternatively, command tasks can be executed stand-alone, without any context.
Please let me know if this helps.
best regards,
Please could you add a feature to allow a command to be always run on a specified host no matter where the command was invoked from, allowing parameters from the invoked host to be passed into the command.
Example use case:
e.g. ssh-copy-id is a command that needs to be run from a computer that stores both a public and private key. (normally your laptop or computer)
In order to passwordlessy login to a remote server you must from you laptop run the ssh-copy-id command to copy the public key up to your server.
So the ssh-copy-id always has to run on the computer you have your keys stored on.
But the new servers we add will change.
I would like to add a server in Royal TSX called NewRemoteServer10
Right click > run command > copy-ssh-id
the copy-ssh-id runs on MyLaptop with the parameters
copy-ssh-id <user>@NewRemoteServer10
I see it could work like this in the command task to have a dropdown called
Run On: <select server>
Then have a pass in token like. $InovkedFromHostURI$. (the server you are calling this command from)
so then the command would like
copy-ssh-id <user>@<NewRemoteServer10> running on MyLaptop
thank you for your consideration