Is there anyway to bump up this feature request?
I would like to add that this is quite important as closing connections can be problematic for me since I am working with dozens of open connections, maybe in the 100s, haven't actually counted. I use dynamic folders to maintain connection lists to google cloud platform and also to AWS and to internal systems where there is quite a bit of turnover. But this would be most useful because in GCP, we are connecting to external IPs for management via ssh. The external IPs in GCP are ephemeral and change whenever the system is rebooted. Therefore, I need to 'reload' often, but if I am working in another session, the closure of the other sessions is invasive and can stop running jobs. So yea, I learn to use tmux, but still, it is annoying to have to restart my sessions.
It would be awesome if active connections were not closed *before* a forced dynamic folder reload occurs. If the connection/entry no longer exists *after* the forced dynamic folder reload occurs then close connection.
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