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Treat Triggers and Colors profiles as objects

I have hundreds or CLI objects for telnet, SSH and the like.  What would be really handy is the ability to have triggers or color profiles as objects, in the same fashion as you do for passwords, or secure gateways, for example.

If I can explain further...

Bulk edit sure is nice, yes.  However, even if you bulk edit triggers, you still have to add 50 triggers, 1-by-1, for those 50 devices.  Then, when you want to add another device, you can clone the existing one...sure - but now what if I want to add that new trigger to my prior 50 task starts over again with bulk edit.

Having the profile for triggers would be hugely helpful, since I'd do something like add them for Avaya switches, hp switches, Cisco switches, and so on.  Triggers for running through logs and highlighting text for example - the wording is different on platforms, so being able to associate the triggers with objects so I don't have to bulk edit, but only need to change 1 entry and have it linked to all my cisco equipment...that would be ideal.

The same example is used for the colors.  Certain colors profiles used for certain devices as well.  Manually doing them 1-by-1, even with bulk edit is still not ideal since you may want to tweak a color setting, then still have to bulk edit across hundreds of devices.

I thought about asking for a way to export/import settings, but this idea already follows how the app works.

As in, want to specify a password?  Ok.  Or, do you want to specify that the password is inherited by the parent folder?  Or want to link the password yourself with an existing object?  These requests follow the application build in the way we're already using it.

I certainly appreciate the app - colors and triggers are so awesome and I'd love to utilize them even more than I do now.

Thanks for the great apps!!!

This idea would be GREAT, I have a lot of different directories and it's not possible to do the bulk edit for different directories. :(

I would also like to see this implemented. I use triggers for highlighting many things on different vendors to bring important information forward. To be able to have different profiles as selectable objects would be extremely handy. 

I wouldn't consider my request implemented - it's not what I asked for.  You sort of made it easier to manage 2 of the items, but that doesn't match what I requested.  Objects for both are what I requested, for the reasons listed above.

The thumbnail you linked is impossible for me to view.  It's smaller than a stamp and clicking on it does not give me a higher resolution.

I hope someday you still consider objects so you only have to edit 1 object for devices instead of having to go in and modify hundreds of devices, via bulk methods.  It's not any better than the way that I handle it right now using Keyboard Maestro.

Hi Brian,

color presets can be imported and exported via the "Presets…" button in the "Colors" section of your terminal connection's properties (see screenshot).

Triggers can be copied to the clipboard and pasted back into the triggers list view by simply using the "Copy" and "Paste" menu items or keyboard shortcuts.



Not seeing it in the new version...

Thanks, hope you still continue on with them being object-based.  Bulk editing is nice, for what it is, but when you have differing switch vendors and logs to examine, the profile for one isn't the same for the other.  Some things you want to ensure you can see on vendor x.

Either way, I'm glad you guys are making progress on it.

Deeper integration is still on the radar but not planned for this release.

For now, copy/paste and bulk-edit is the way to go.



Is it still a plan on the radar to do it based on an object or profile though?

Copy-paste I guess is fine.  Though I guess I may as well just edit all of them in bulk - just stinks when they all need to be changed.

Hi Neal,

we just released a new iTerm plugin update which includes support for copying and pasting triggers to/from the clipboard.

To copy triggers, just select the ones you would like to copy and select "Edit - Copy" from the main menu.

You can then either paste them in another connection by simply focusing the triggers table view and selecting "Edit - Paste" in the main menu or paste them in a text file. The triggers are encoded as JSON and can be stored in a plain text file if you wish.

Hope that helps!



i am anxiously awaiting your profile based trigger support for ssh sessions, or at least the ability to export and import them or copy and paste groups of them at once... i am on your latest beta but i dont see it implemented yet.  can you give me an idea if this really will make it into the 5.x beta?

Excited for this!  The more you can do with profiles, the better.  I'll be testing it, for sure ;)


Hi there,

we're happy to announce that the first beta of Royal TSX 5.0 is now available!

This release includes support for importing and exporting Terminal color schemes. We don't yet have the same feature for triggers but are planning to add it during the public beta phase.

You can get the beta here:

Please let us know what you think!



Thanks so much for the consideration :)

I never thought I'd love the objects so much, especially for colors and triggers.  Who knew?

Thanks again!


Hi Brian,

just wanted to let you know that we agree with everything you suggested but it's not yet on our roadmap.

We will evaluate our options and hopefully have something ready before the first stable release of V4 is out.



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