Hi there,
I'm happy to report that Royal TSX 4.0 has been released and includes this feature.
For more information about the major new features of Royal TSX 4.0, please head over to our major upgrade landing page.
Hi everyone,
The first beta with support for splitting tabs is now available!
You can get the beta here: https://www.royalapplications.com/ts/mac/features-beta
@McWill: You can already import and use color schemes for iTerm. To do so, open the properties of your terminal connection, switch to the "Colors" section and select "Load Presets... - Import...".
With the colorising, iterm can colour schemes to highlight text in different colours like the website here provides. this colorises your terminal window and makes reading output easier then seeing everything black and white
Hi there,
Totally agree with this. I use the split screen function almost all the time in iTerm2
I can see the the TSX plugin is item2, however we cannot use any of the features that make iterm2 great. i.e:
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