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Password API/Pleasant Password Integration

Royal TSX integrates with some password stores, but none of the current ones are really enterprise-ready password storage.  It would be nice to offer integration to one (my employer uses Pleasant Password.), or ideally an API to enable shims to be written between the API of the password storage and Royal TSX.

I'm posting this in Mac as I'm a Mac user, but I know both pieces of software exist on other platforms, so really this should be considered a general feature request.

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Hi everyone,

The first beta with support for Dynamic Folders and Dynamic Credentials is now available!

You can get the beta here:

Documentation for the feature is available here:

In the coming weeks we will post a couple sample scripts to make getting started easier.



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Yes, this will be generic and work for all kinds of external data sources.

Thanks!  Would integration with other tools such as CyberArk or BeyondTrust also be possible with the API?

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Hi Matt,

we're in the middle of the implementation phase. We already have prototypes running that can connect to and retrieve credentials from Secret Server and Pleasant Password. So it's looking pretty good. We still can't provide an ETA for the first public beta though.



Hi Felix, 

Checking if there is any update on the development of the API for connectivity that could be used to connect to other privileged management vaults.  Appreciate any update you might have on estimated availability.

Yes, there will be some kind of API.

It's quite a challenge to make this as powerful as possible while still maintaining basic usability for non-programmers/scripters so we're playing around with different ideas right now.

Sounds good, thanks.  Having an available API of some sort for this will be great.  (And I fully understand not wanting to get into details while the details are still in flux.)


Hi Daniel,

just wanted to let you know that we're working on a generic way to integrate with external data sources for the next major version.

How exactly this will work I can't yet say since we're still in the prototyping phase but it should allow you to use most kinds of centralized credential management systems.



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