Hi Kay,
you can already achieve that with command tasks.
To open an SFTP connection in Transmit based on an SSH connection for instance, you would create a new command task and set it's properties like so:
Command: osascript
Arguments: -e 'tell application "Transmit" to activate' -e 'tell application "Transmit"' -e 'tell current tab of (make new document at end) to connect to address "$URI$" as user "$EffectiveUsername$" using port 22 with password "$EffectivePassword$" with protocol SFTP without mount' -e 'end tell'
Also make sure to mark the command task as favorite and specify a display name like "Transmit (SFTP)". Then Control-click your existing SSH or File Transfer connection and select "Favorite Command Tasks - Transmit (SFTP)".
Hope that helps!
Kay van Aarssen
It would be nice to have the option to open Transmit 5 or FileZilla on Mac and Windows.
To get a file transfer started with one click.
So that credentials are passed along to the Program so we do not need to manage connections in multiple places.
Yes we have File Transfer in RoyalTS(x) but we need to have it in Transmit (Preferred on MAC) and Filezilla on Windows since Transmit is not on windows.
IT would than be nice to have an option at the connection to choose how to connect like;
Connect with Transmit or Connect with FileZilla. And if you click on them the program opens and build the connection with the credentials stored in RoyalTS(x)