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Issue After Recent Update

I recently updated to 6.1.10216 - Beta on Windows 11. I now am experiencing an issue that seemingly happens randomly when navigating between tabs. TS just starts flashing back and forth between tabs and becomes unresponsive. I have to end the task. Is there a fix for this or is it happening to anyone else?

1 person has this problem

Hi Michael,

sorry that you are experiencing this behavior.

Can you please create a new support ticket here:

and attach a screen recording of the effect happening as well as attach debug logs, by following these steps:

- Go to Royal TS Options --> Logging
- Set "Logging Level" to "Debug"
- Enable "Save to File" to any path you want to
- Try reproducing your issue
- Disable "Save to File" option
- Attach the log file to this ticket

Thanks & best regards,


Same here on Windows 10 ... for me it helps to minimize and restore the window.



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