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Hidden Directories using SFTP with version 4.0

You can't type them in!  If I am connected to a linux/unix box and I go to 


no problem

if I type in   

/home/oracle/.ssh   as soon as I type the .  I get 

An error occurred while executing the action 'Change Directory'. No such file; No such directory. Do you want to reconnect?

However if I cut and past from the clipboard the full directory with the .ssh I can then browse to that directory.

So manually typing the . in the address bar doesn't work right!

Hi Mark,

I've just replied to your ticket earlier but will paste the answer here as well:

for Terminal connections, you can view hidden files with the command "ls -a" for instance:

For File Transfer connections, the option can be found in the "Advanced > Miscellaneous" section as shown here:

I hope this helps!

Best regards,


Hi, I have Royal TS version 7 but I don't see the option "Show hidden files" in Advanced.


You're welcome! Glad that helped!

I didn't - Thanks sorted it. 

Thanks again for your amazingly prompt support, 



Hi Stefan, 

The Beta fixes the problem of disconnecting and the error messages, although I still can't access a hidden directory (starting with a .) by typing it into the path bar at the top, is there a way of looking at hidden folders that I'm missing? 

Thanks for your help, 


Hi Jo,

can you check the latest beta version:

This release should have this fixed.


Hi Stephan, 

Any updates on an eta for this ,

We ran into this independently today and it was a bit of a pain for a moment! 



Hi Jason!

Thanks for reporting this bug. The next release will have that fixed.


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