Hi there! This is an archived Royal TS for Windows post. Could you please open a new ticket regarding your issue?
Hi I have version 4.3 for mac os, but the problem is still there.
Hi Andrea,
the next release (4.2) will have this fixed.
After having a SSH active connection based on user/pass credentials, by executing on the ribbon:
Home -> Connect with Options -> Connect using SFTP
the application will come up with a warning:
The authenticity of the host '...' can't be estabilished.
The fingerprint is '...'
Are you sure you want to continue connecting? Yes/No
The problem is that there is no way to save the fingerprint to dismiss this warning forever for this "subconnection".
A solution would be to replace Yes/No with a
Yes always / Yes once / No
(or alternatively add a checkbox with "save fingerprint" )
Yes Always (or checkbox checked and pressing Yes) would store the fingerprint of the server and prevent this rather annoying dialog to appear again in the future for such connections.