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fingerprint not recognized while SSH->SFTP

After having a SSH active connection based on user/pass credentials, by executing on the ribbon:

Home -> Connect with Options -> Connect using SFTP

the application will come up with a warning:

The authenticity of the host '...'  can't be estabilished.

The fingerprint is '...'

Are you sure you want to continue connecting? Yes/No

The problem is that there is no way to save the fingerprint to dismiss this warning forever for this "subconnection".

A solution would be to replace Yes/No with a 

Yes always / Yes once / No

(or alternatively add a checkbox with "save fingerprint" )

Yes Always (or checkbox checked and pressing Yes) would store the fingerprint of the server and prevent this rather annoying dialog to appear again in the future for such connections.

Hi there! This is an archived Royal TS for Windows post. Could you please open a new ticket regarding your issue?



Hi I have version 4.3 for mac os, but the problem is still there.

Hi Andrea,

the next release (4.2) will have this fixed.


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