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Any way to prevent ssh timeout?

I'm trying to keep certain terminals logged in on some Cisco network devices. They have a set exec timeout setting to kick me out if no inputs are detected. I tried getting keepalives to work but they appear not to be doing what I want. I've seen some terminals that will send a specified character to all open sessions in set intervals. 

Is there anything that is built into royalts that might be able to do this for me?

Hi Jeff,

for rebex based SSH terminal connections, the keep alive setting is a plugin setting. See:

PuTTY based SSH terminal connections have a setting in the Advanced settings page:

Let me know if this helps.


where is the keepalive option?

The last one I tried was a keep-alive every 1 second which does not work. My timeout is 15 minutes.

Hi Kyle,

may I ask what keep-alive intervals you tried? Is the interval perhaps too long?

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