Yes, just implemented it...
did you check the documentation here:
This should clarify what key sequence tasks are and how they can be useful.
I'm not really sure what you mean by "duplicate ad hoc" hotkey. Can you explain further what you are looking for?
We have ssh connection active, and we want to make a duplicate tab. We can click by the right mouse key at the tab and select "Duplicate (ad hoc)". But can we do the same with a keyboard ?
I believe the "ad hoc key sequence" doing the needed, but how to add ctrl+n for example? I mean i can add ctrl with "{HOLD:CTRL}" but how to add pressing "N" key ? Combinations {HOLD:CTRL}{N} Doesn't work, and either {N} doesn't highlight with the red color, thats why i'm now sure it's the right syntax.
There is no word about sending regular keys.
Thank you for the explanation. The ad hoc key sequence task cannot create a new ad hoc tab. If you look at the documentation link above, you will see that key sequence tasks are used to send keyboard input to the remote session. The ad hoc key sequence task is just a quicker way to do that without creating a task object first.
Creating ad hoc tasks from within an SSH session is not possible. All keyboard input should be directed to the remote session. Even if we provide a keyboard shortcut to create ad hoc sessions, the keyboard shortcut will then not work in the remote session. Depending on the app or shell you are running, this may be a problem. Same applies to RDP, for example. Having keyboard shortcuts for the main application while you are actively working in a session is a general problem. A couple of shortcuts are available through "deep keyboard hooks":
See "Other -> Use Deep Keyboard Hooks"
A list of available shortcuts can be found here:
The secure crt app where did i came from supports that scenario. I'm not sure how it works out the box, but i set up this to act so
So i can (and i am) make 2,3 and even 4 copies of one tab. Thats the good feature. And i miss it the most in Royal TS. Let me don't tell you the exact scenario where it can be useful, believe me it could :)
Maybe you can find a way to implement this static or customizable, that will be very useful.
Secure CRT seems to let you modify keyboard shortcuts individually. In Royal TS we do not have this feature yet. The problem is now that if we implement CTRL + N to duplicate (ad hoc) a tab, this shortcut will not work in the remote session and many users who rely on this shortcut will not be happy about this. Since in Secure CRT everyone can create their own shortcuts, users can change them easily in case of a conflict.
Customizable keyboard shortcuts is on our roadmap but it's a lot of work and we don't really know when we have this available.
In any case, I've added a new deep keyboard hook shortcut (LEFT CTRL + LEFT ALT + H), which can be used when deep keyboard hooks are enabled to clone the current tab. I hope this helps in the meantime.
I understand the situation. Deep hotkey can be good variant.
It will be available also at beta ?
Александр Сухоруков