are created in "C:\Program Files\Royal TS7\" by default which can't happen if Royal isn't run with admin-permissions. I've updated the sample config in the github, but I'll provide it here too:
{ "WriteTo": [ { "Name": "DurableHttpUsingTimeRolledBuffers", "Args": { "requestUri": "", "bufferRollingInterval": "Minute", "bufferBaseFileName": "%APPDATA%\\code4ward\\RoyalHttpBuffer.txt" } } ] }
There was also a bug in the serilog http sink's github but I didn't drill down into what was done to fix / change this.
Maybe it would be good to change the base directory for serilog to %appdata%\code4ward\logs or something.
Christoph Schläpfer
Hi Everyone,
We've recently upgraded from RoyalTS 6 to 7.
While checking all functionality we use, I've noticed that there's no option anymore to save the connection activity to a log file in XML format as with V6.
I've started looking around and found this documentation, which told me that Royal is now using serilog as logging framework. (Which imo is a good decision!)
Sadly, the documentation is really barebone - it only provides two examples, and both require the least configuration.
I have several requests that I'd like to see added to the documentation:
- Add documentation for each Serilog sink you provide
- Clarify what data and format the receiving end (f.ex with Http) receives.
- Clarify how the json format is required, because in this KB-Article for royal server , you specify:
So I've started looking around the serilog documentation to see what would be possible and to try to piece together a working configuration.
I have a working implementation of a simple http server which receives the requests from royal, and I've managed to use "DurableHttpUsingTimeRolledBuffers" instead of Http, because that allows for failures of the http server and the logs still being received.
There's also several bugs I've noticed:
- this happens even if you completely replace the configuration.
I'm unsure what exactly is the reason for this, maybe the function that's trying to make sure that the appsettings.json is valid does something weird when the json isn't valid, I don't know.
The workaround is to just delete the whole content of that json field, close and open royal and try again.
- The Windows Event logging contains an error which causes entries like:
I'd also like to see some feedback of the logging framework in Royal TS7 to debug issues.
For example, since this morning when I installed Windows Updates, no POST requests are made by Royal anymore, even though I didn't change anything and It worked on Friday.
It's great that Royal now supports a serious logging framework - Let's make sure it brings all the benefits it can :)