Thanks for confirming the issue has been resolved.
Hello Stefan,
Yes i was using latest stable (6.00.60122.0). It is definetely fixed in the beta release, keyboard shortcuts work consistently. (Also i see the nostatus checkbox is there for UltraVNC!)
I'm assuming you are using Royal TS V6.0.x? If so, can you try the latest beta release (which currently is still a private beta):
Let me know if the issue has been resolved.
Lumens G
Hi, i'm trying to set a keyboard shortcut for the "Ping" task. I go to Options -> Keyboard Shortcuts -> Command Task: Ping and press Edit
First problem is that in the window that pops up (Aassign Shortcut: Command Task: Ping), in the Command drop down box, Command Task: Ping is not selected. Instead, "Ad Hoc Key Sequence" is selected, which is the first row in the drop down box. So you have to scroll and find again the task you want to assign shortcut for.
Second problem is that after you assign the shortcut and you press OK, the shortcut works as you expect. But if you go back to Options -> Keyboard Shortcuts, and you scroll down to Command Task: Ping, you will see that no shortcut is assgined. What is worse, when you press OK, the assignment stops working.
Same thing happens with all predefined and custom tasks. It seems like when you enter the Keyboard Shortcuts window, it deletes the shortcuts you had assigned previously.
Please try to reproduce, i can prepare a video if you see a different behavior.