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Using A Custom Variable as Adress

Hello all,

So I tryed to specifiy a custom Value for a adress in the parrent folder so that i dont need to change every item in the folder when changing the IP-Adress.

Is It possible to reference to a custom value in a adress field like the one shown below, or ssh/ftp?





Best Answer

Hi Christian,

yes that's possible. If you are using custom properties on the folder level, make sure your connections are all configured to inherit the custom properties from the parent folder.

Also note, that the way you created the custom property is not correct. The first field (where your IP address is) should be the label (Address Value) and the IP goes in the other box.

Once you have done this, you can use $CustomProperty.AddressValue$ to access the IP. Note that the "blank" is omitted between Address and Value.

Let me know if this helps.



Hi Christian,

yes that's possible. If you are using custom properties on the folder level, make sure your connections are all configured to inherit the custom properties from the parent folder.

Also note, that the way you created the custom property is not correct. The first field (where your IP address is) should be the label (Address Value) and the IP goes in the other box.

Once you have done this, you can use $CustomProperty.AddressValue$ to access the IP. Note that the "blank" is omitted between Address and Value.

Let me know if this helps.


Hey Stefan,


this works fine, forgot the "CustomProperty" part.



You're welcome!

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