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Cant add custom properties as coulmns


(Going to be a few from me and couldn't find any info about this from search)

I have a dynamic folder of connections, which I added some custom properties to (Site code, OS etc). The custom properties do show up in the properties menu of the object, but when clicking on the parent folder and viewing it on the dashboard, I cant add the properties to the view via column chooser? 

If I am missing how to do this, please advise. If this is not a feature currently then please move this request to the ideas section!


Best Answer

Hi Charlie,

unfortunately it's not possible to add custom properties to the dashboard columns. If you want to show information in the folder dashboard, I suggest you use the Custom Fields for these kinds of information. In the options you can even provide a custom title for the custom field column.


Many thanks. Happy to close this off now. Will raise a new thread for an issue/possible enhancement.

Ah, I see. Sorry for the confusion. Unfortunately there's no export/conversion of an existing config file to the JSON format. In both cases it's a simple key/value dictionary, so the conversion should be straight forward.


Thanks - My query was more if there was a way to export my current config/convert the .config file to the JSON format etc


You could theoretically create a code4ward.RoyalTS.UserPreferences.config file (from %appdata%\code4ward) and pre-deploy it to your clients as a template. I would still recommend the configuration system though as it allows you to do much more and even change things after the configuration has been deployed already. It's just more flexible in this regard.


Just a query regarding the config files, is there a way to export my current config i.e I setup the application via the GUI how I want it configured then I can use that file for the business template? 


Thanks! I fixed the links.


That's strange. I tested all links and they are working for me. Which link(s) are affected?

Just in case, you were probably looking for this:


Ah that is great will look at that.

All makes sense, the only issue is that the links on that help page to the reference of all the settings seems to be dead/wrong? e.g .(xref:scripting_reference_royalapplicationsettings).

Yes, that's correct. The label must be defined in the options. But in V6 we have a flexible and powerful configuration system which allows you to deploy default settings through registry, config file and even environment variables:

This way you could set the label for your users through one of these config providers.

Let me know if this helps.



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So the one issue is that the custom fields labels are only set on the application right?

For context - I am trying to deploy a config file with the application for the business to use so if those  labels were able to be set on the document instead that would be wayyy easier



Hi Charlie,

unfortunately it's not possible to add custom properties to the dashboard columns. If you want to show information in the folder dashboard, I suggest you use the Custom Fields for these kinds of information. In the options you can even provide a custom title for the custom field column.


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