you can specify the script parameters using a simple XML encoded string. Here's an example:
Line 4 to 18 in the screenshot above shows the XML which is expected by Royal TS/X.
Line 1 shows the actual property value as XML encoded string.
You can create the following XML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"> <ParamConfig xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <ParamConfigItems> <ParamConfigItem> <ParameterName>Param1</ParameterName> <Value>$EffectiveUsername$</Value> <TestValue /> </ParamConfigItem> <ParamConfigItem> <ParameterName>Param2</ParameterName> <Value>Some Value</Value> <TestValue /> </ParamConfigItem> </ParamConfigItems> </ParamConfig>
Set this XML as XML encoded string to the Parameters property as described in the Advanced Scenarios topic:
I hope this helps. I will also include the XML sample in the docs.
Did you find a solution to your problem? I have the same issue.
Nino V
I am trying to create a powershell connector with a dynamic folder.
I already have the code available to retrieve credentials dynamically.
I have also successfully created the connector using a raw jSON connector.
I need to create 2 script paramters but the documentation is not clear on the syntax and I could not find an example in the repo.
I know the snippet below works when I created it in my raw jSON format.
I manually created the Parameters in the second tab and mapped those 2 parameters to the $EffectiveUsername$ and $EffectivePassword$ tokens.
And then I went to the Test tab and tested successfully.
"Script": "#Get RoyalTS Creds
param (
[string] $userdn,
[string] $userpw
$user = $uid
$userpass = $userpw
However when I referred to the online documentation
Type: string, Default Value: Empty String
The script parameters to pass on to the script.
It does not provide any sample syntax. Most of the parameters in the doco are clear, for example:
"Script" : "# powershell code......."
It is only the parameter and a value.
And I have figured out how to format extended Properties into a block.
However, the Parameters are a series of custom_parameter_name and parameter_Value grouped in the Parameters section of the Powershell-> Script block. I have tried multiple varieties of syntax of formatting but without a reference, it is impossible to script this key part of my script.
Thank you