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ssh Chinese


Chinese in ssh is not displayed completely

Thank you


Best Answer


I am assuming you are using the Rebex based Terminal plugin. We already spoke with Rebex about this issue and according to them, this is currently not possible to support/implement in their current code base and since this is a huge effort on their side, they also do not have plans to implement it in the near future. I'm not sure if PuTTY or any other external SSH client supports this. If so, you could switch to the PuTTY based plugin or use the External Application plugin to integrate a different 3rd party terminal client which supports Chinese characters.

I'm sorry for the bad news.


I've switched to PuTTY based plugin and it works well with Chinese characters.

PuTTY   ok   Thank you



I am assuming you are using the Rebex based Terminal plugin. We already spoke with Rebex about this issue and according to them, this is currently not possible to support/implement in their current code base and since this is a huge effort on their side, they also do not have plans to implement it in the near future. I'm not sure if PuTTY or any other external SSH client supports this. If so, you could switch to the PuTTY based plugin or use the External Application plugin to integrate a different 3rd party terminal client which supports Chinese characters.

I'm sorry for the bad news.


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