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Two bugs in Color Schemes; Custom Schemes not working?

Is there a bug with the color schemes in the current version? I'm on v5.3.60925 which was released a few days ago and the following behaviour presents itself:

I had a custom (blue) scheme set initially which I had forever (not one of the preset schemes).

- I CAN switch between the four pre-defined schemes in the drop-down menu of the color scheme button in the ribbon (default, light, dark, black).

- I CANNOT select any other color scheme from the dialog that comes up when I select Custom... (Art House, Leaf Rustle, Neon Lollipop etc.). If I do, simply nothing happens.

In fact whenever I select any of these from the combo box, the colors displayed in the table below do not change at all, regardless of which entry I select from the combo box. The colors stay right as they are (i.e. the one of the 4 default schemes from the ribbon drop-down menu).

The preview button also does nothing.

Opening my original color scheme (or any other shared color scheme) using the URL does not change the look either.

Steps taken to troubleshoot:

I've restarted the app, tried without a document loaded, checked for updates etc, to no avail.

Possible Workaround:

The only way I have managed to restore my original blue color scheme, is to use the "Copy from Clipboard" function in the drop-down menu of the copy button on the right hand side of the color scheme dialog. This works.

2nd Bug: Incomplete clipboard causes crash

While doing that, I also found a second bug:

If only part of the full color scheme URL is in the clipboard (specifically the part I posted above), Royal TS throws an exception "# is not a valid value for Int32", so it seems that the clipboard content is not sufficiently sanitized or correctly parsed to detect inconsistent/illegal URLs (for this I was able to send in a bug report).


1. Cannot change color schemes to anything else but the four standard options (default, light, dark etc.)

2. Custom color schemes can ONLY be loaded via clipboard, everything else (dialog with combo box, URL via webbrowser) does not do anything.

3. Loading a color scheme with an incomplete URL from the clipboard causes an exception.


W10x64 2004, RTS v5.3.60925 with encryption (password) enabled

1 Comment

Hi Johnnie!

I think I know what the issue is. When you select a color scheme from the combobox, you need to click the Copy button to copy the selected color scheme colors to the property grid for further adjustments. I know that the UX is not the best but during our tests we actually had the property updated every time a color scheme combobox entry changed. This was quite annoying, especially when you do some tweaking and experimenting and just want to see what color schemes are available. You are definitely not alone and we had a couple of tickets in this regard but I'm not sure what the best solution might be.

I've also tested the color scheme link and there's indeed something not right here. I was able to identify an issue where the URL string is not parsed correctly but I still can't get it to work. It seems to me that a recent Windows 10 update broke the URL protocol handling. I'm not able to launch Royal TS from an URL protocol although it is configured correctly (according to the docs). In the default apps by protocol I see this:

I'm not able to choose Royal TS and it also seems that I only can choose apps from the Windows Store. Not sure if and how I can fix this but this will take more time, I guess.

Lastly, I've improved the error handling when a color scheme string cannot be parsed.

So for now, I guess the only workaround is to work with the clipboard to share/exchange color schemes.


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