we are aware of this issue and it seems that this crash is happening since the latest update in Windows when the latest version is installed initially. If you download the previous version:
it should run. Once it ran, you should also be able to update to the latest version.
Can you confirm this?
We are currently investigating what's going on and we hope we can fix the issue with a new build against .net 4.8.
I'm really sorry for the inconvenience.
That might be a good clue. Thanks for the details. I will continue to investigate...
We just released a fix. Please head to our download page and install the newest release:
I have the same problem.
It looks like a stack overflow, RoyalTS is trying to read:
...in a neverending loop, until the application just gives up.
If ever that might be helpful?
Seb T
I can also confirm that the downgrade to v5.02.60304.0 has been a success.
The older version of the application is functional.
For the moment, I don't intend to upgrade again.
Thanks for the suggestion.
Seb T
Looks like it is working, at least the app opened. Thanks
Quite frankly I'm astonished by your good work.
A reply from the developers in under a day, and a new release in less than a day...
I uninstalled v5.02.60304.0, removed the "%appdata%\code4ward" directory to test, and installed v5.02.60410.0. It works!
And finally, I normally install/update via Chocolatey and had fully expected there to be some lag time between the release and the update of the repo. Not in this case: you pushed the update to Chocolatey as well.
Awesome job Stefan, thanks!
Seb T
Thanks for the kind words. This is when days of hard work in completely automating the release process pays off ;)
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\clr.dll ERROR CODE Oxc000012f error PL.GUIDE HOW TO REMOVE THIS ERROR.I AM USING WINDOWS 10 64 BITS LENOVA DESK TOP
What version of Royal TS are you using?
Keith Templin
Just downloaded RoyalTS for the first time ever, and the app crashes according to the Event Logs
Looks like I downloaded 5.2.60. I am running Windows 10 build 18363 with .Net 4.8 installed