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URI scheme does not work when there is an (encoded) & character in the password


How do I use the URI for an adhoc connection, when the password has the '&' character in it?  Encoding special characters in the password works for everything except '&'

Example URI to reproduce problem:

open 'rtsx://rdp://localhost:3303?using=adhoc&username=Administrator&password=%26'


This results in an adhoc connection with the password empty instead of a single '&'.

Does anyone have an insight into this?

My env:

Royal TSX (macOS Monterey)

Version (Beta)

1 Comment

Hi Ash,

please use '%2526' to escape the '&' character (without the '')

In my example I used "pass&word" as the password and was able to connect via:

open 'rtsx://rdp://'

However, we recommend encoding the URL after the rtsx:// block, so the correct string in my example would be:

open 'rtsx://rdp%3A//'

I hope this helps!

Best regards,


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