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Very slow RDP performance

Came from nowhere. After install RDP was working just fine until last week. I don't remember doing anything on my system or updating RoyalTSX plugin.  

could be. thx anyway

Hi Anton,

it just jumped to my mind that you might have had RDP debug logging active which is very CPU intensive as there are huge loads of debug messages logged.



Hi Anton,

weird. Glad your issue is resolved though!



Ok i deleted all plugins in the folder and reinstalled app. No RDP performance is back to normal. One of the plugins caused this issue.

I already described my settings. I tried checking and unchecking all settings with no result. Connection is still much slower than MSRDP.

Hi Anton,

thx for providing the video.

Could you please do the YouTube test with Royal TSX as well?

Also, please include your current RDP connection's settings in the video as well.

One thing you might want to try right now is to disable the following settings:

"Advanced - Connection - Compression" and "Advanced - Connection - Glyph Caching".

Also, please compare your color settings in the "Display Options" section with those in MSRDP.



Ok. You can see that MS remote manager much faster than RoyalTSX RDP

Ok. You can see how much faster MS remote manager compared to RoyalTSX. 

Hi Anton,

yes, please create and send the short video showing exactly what's happening.

The only RDP plugin we offer at the moment is the FreeRDP plugin.



Sorry i was busy. RDP performance is still slow. I will make video without any problem. I dunno if it will help.

BTW how can i change default plugin from freerdp to some alternative like xrdp.

Hi Anton,

any news on this?



Hi Anton,

I just tested performance with several Windows 7 VMs and all of them perform perfectly, to the point where I can watch videos on YouTube fluently.

Could you please record a short video that shows performance in Royal TSX compared to Microsoft Remote Desktop?

Please also include the settings of your RDP connection in Royal TSX as well as MSRDP in the video.



Windows 7. And actually no turning cashing didn't help all that much. RDP in Royal is slow as molasses and buggy. OSX Msoft Remote Desktop is working fine.

Do you have any ideas why? Cuz i bought Royal for solely for RDP and SSH and now i'can work with RDP. 

Sounds like it... Which version of Windows is it that you're having these issues with?

Maybe. In my network i got WSUS server so updates a automatic across all windows machine. That would explain... you know i there is one server outside my AD with auto updates turned off and RDP with caching is working fine. Still not 100% sure but it's probably Windows bug.

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