Hi Chris,
Royal TS does actually come with a CSV Export function:
However, when exporting CSV files, only the “Common Properties” are exported by default:
You can perform connection type-specific exports by selecting RDP connections, for instance, and also selecting “Remote Desktop Connection” in the actual export dialog:
Alternatively, you can also create a PowerShell script to export the content of your documents.
The following link may be helpful:
Further information on the PowerShell module can be found here:
I hope this information helps!
Best regards,
Thanks Christoph, but I am looking for the sessions of the users connected. Example below, but with usernames and computer names (could not include sensitive data)
can you try the following:
1. Focus the list (select one entry)
2. Use CTRL+A to select all entries
3. Use CTRL+C to copy selection to the clipboard
4. Paste data into notepad, excel, etc.
Let me know if this helps.
We would like to be able to export the sessions of a computer/server into a CSV.
If this is not a possibility, please consider adding this as a feature.