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Enforcing do not allow create Credential Objects or safe Credentials in Connection Objects

My suggestion is:

An option to prevent mandatory:

  • Credential objects can be saved in non-password protected shared server documents. (but it should be possible to create credential objects in the personal, password-protected document)
  • Save credentials in connection objects

Comparable to:
  • PolicyDoNotAllowCreateCredentialObjectsInDocumentsWithoutPassword
    (atm after ignoring the Warning Notification, it's safed inside of Connection Objects)
  • PolicyDoNotAllowCreateCredentialObjects
    (to strong, it's at all documents)

So, something like:
  • PolicyDoNotAllowCreateCredentialObjectsInSharedDocuments
    (generally do not allow to create Credential Objects in Shared Documents, which are provided from Royal Server)
  • PolicyDoNotAllowCreateCredentialObjectsInSharedDocumentsWithoutPassword
    (do not allow to create Credential Objects in Shared Documents, which are without Password, which are provided from Royal Server)
  • PolicyOnlyAllowSelectionOfCredentialObjectNameInConnectionsInSharedDocuments
    (only allow to "Specify a Credential Name" in Connection Objects)
  • PolicyOnlyAllowSelectionOfCredentialObjectNameInConnections
    (only allow to "Specify a Credential Name" in Connection Objects, which are in shared Documents, which are provided from Royal Server)

I think/hope, the "PolicyOnlyAllowSelectionOfCredentialObjectNameInConnections" could be somewhat relative easy to implement.

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