Hear me out, What if a company was white-labeling a custom RDWeb solution, and needed a "user" client with some limited functions:
Ability to run a custom RDP client (with a fixed gateway and redirected based on username thru the load balancing gateways) and able to access resources based on permissions.
Very important to keep printing and file transfer options
Very ideal if can have the ability to connect to external drives like G-drive, One drive, etc... Ideally, that company may be able to pay for the custom work.
its a what if....
1 Comment
Stefan Koell
11 months ago
Hi Fabian,
can you provide more details how this RDWeb connection should be setup?
Fabian Sanchez
Hear me out, What if a company was white-labeling a custom RDWeb solution, and needed a "user" client with some limited functions:
Ability to run a custom RDP client (with a fixed gateway and redirected based on username thru the load balancing gateways) and able to access resources based on permissions.
Very important to keep printing and file transfer options
Very ideal if can have the ability to connect to external drives like G-drive, One drive, etc...
Ideally, that company may be able to pay for the custom work.
its a what if....