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Enable "Use existing credential" Search in Navigation

Hi there,

My Team members and I frequently find ourselves searching for credentials whilst having multiple Documents open on a Royal Server Document store.

The Inconvenience arises when you search for a specific credential, lets say "Domain Administrator".

To be clear, the search function does provide the credential I was looking for (especially when you have fuzzy search on) but it is quite inconvenient to scroll down to the 6. Document when I potentially have 15 open documents at once. (I Work for a MSP and therefore have many different customers each with their own document)


It would be Great to have a switch to toggle for "Extended Search" with the look and feel the "Use existing Credential" search already provides.



What I would expect:


What I get:


Would it be possible to enhance the search functionality accordingly?

Kind Regards


Hi there, since I haven't received any feedback so far, I was wondering if such a feature request / idea is out of scope or if it could be implemented if the demand was high enough?

Hi Gabriel,

I'm sorry, this post somehow slipped and flew completely under my radar.

I looked at your proposal and to be honest, it seems to me it's a very specific use case which makes it hard to implement and explain to users why search is behaving this way with the "extended search". We know that we can improve search further in the navigation tree and this is something we want to improve in the future but I'm not sure if this specific behavior should be on board.

Maybe a refined/improved navigation search helps you in your use case but I can't really tell because we haven't really looked into it.

I can offer a couple of workarounds in the meantime which could help you. You could use the description field for "tagging" and this to put in the customer name and other tags. using fuzzy search can then help you to specify a fragment of the customer and other tags to quickly get the results you need. With bulk-edit or our powershell module you should be able to update the description field quickly by script if you have a large number of files and objects. Would that help?


Hi Stefan

No worries.

I am open to the idea. (or any other for that matter, my suggestion was just based on the already available interpretation of a search function.)

This does not seam like the ideal solution to me, but as long as it works, I can live with it.

I will be posting the script as soon as I finish it because bulk edit won't work since we already have descriptions for some objects and as far as I am concerned there is no way to "prefix" something with bulk edit. Besides, we simply have too many objects to do it by hand.



Hi Stefan

After testing the "tagging" option, I don't think it will suffice for me.

It's quite challenging for me to specify what the problem is, but from my point of view it seems as if the fuzzy search (or the entire search for that matter) has trouble searching for different attributes in one query.

I wrote a script to put the "Customer Code" in the beginning of the description.


So when I want to compose a query like "M21* Domain(...)**"

* Being the "tag" in the description

** Being part of the display name

I get no results at all.


Did I perhaps misunderstand your suggestion?



Hi Gabriel,

no, you didn't misunderstand. I messed up and didn't realize that the fuzzy search is only available on the name property. I mixed up "tagging" with fuzzy search. I'm sorry for the misunderstanding!

Tagging in the description field can be useful to have a couple of different search terms/tags and you can quickly filter by one of the tags using the search. Unfortunately there's no and/or expression possible so you can only search for one tag at a time.

Making use of fuzzy search you need to prefix the Domain Administrator credential name with M21, like "M21 - Domain Administrator". Then you could use fuzzy search to type "M21DA" or so, to quickly find the item.


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