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[Suggest] Global Search : allow shortcuts on results

Hi Stefan,

May I suggest a small improvment for the Global Search feature ?

When you use the Global Search (Win+Ctrl+,) you simply type the name of the item you are looking for and got a bunch of results from all your documents, this is really powerful

Ok, third try, smileys break everything !

When you use the Global Search (Win+Ctrl+,)  you simply type the name of the item you are looking for and got a bunch of results from all your documents, this is really powerfull !


When you select the item of your choice and just press Enter, it open the submenu with all the relevent commands for this item:


Just being able to press a registered keyboard shortcut associated with one of the available actions without opening the submenu would be even more practical !

If the pressed shortcut does not belong to any available command for this item, you can just open the submenu or simply dismiss the Global Search dialog (with or without a warning message).

In the screenshot examples above, being able to use Ctrl+Enter (as I reconfigured it, Ctrl+F5 is the default one) on the selected result to quickly connect would be awesome.

This way it can act like the AdHoc field allowing to use Ctrl+Enter to connect using the previously selected connection type:


Additionaly, speaking of AdHoc, if the Global Search field could recognize when you type something like ?@myhost or user@myhost to suggest opening adhoc connection with the list of available types and showing the credential picker may be also useful.

Hope this make sense :-)

Best Regards,


On the topic of improving the search function, would it be possible to "extend" the fuzzy search functionality? Similar to how it works when you assign a existing credential. I frequently find my self open with multiple customer documents searching for something, i.e a Credential wanting to type the Customer name *space* and then the object name I am looking for. It seems to me that there is currently no way to do this?



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