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Menu/Ribbon-Top in Window-Title?


as I do have to use an ultrabook, I'm searching for "space" everywhere. As I know some browsers for example do this, can I have an option or is there already one for the Ribbon/Menu-Bar moved to the Window-Title-Area?

Thank you!


Hi John,

I'm afraid that this is currently not supported, however you can either auto-hide the Ribbon or only show the Ribbon tabs via the button in the top right corner as shown here:

I hope this helps!

Best regards,


Hi Christoph,

cool! That helps a lot more while adding two extra lines.

Thank you! I should have checked this one before.

Best regards,


Hi John,

that's great, glad this helped.

If you need further assistance please let us know.

In the meantime I wish you a nice day!

Best regards,


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