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[Req] Split panels resize menu helper

Hi Stefan,

There is a little feature that could improve RoyalTS use with multiple panels sometimes, if it is possible to implement it with DevEx it would be great !

For exemple, if you split your display to have a main connection you work with and 2 other to just monitor progress of some tasks, sometime, dragging tabs can lead to a weird "default" disposition.

Of course you can manually resize each panel to your need, but what about some presets ?

If you have already used TotalCommander, there is such functionnality: when you right-click on the panels splitter, you have a context menu offering some predefined values: 80%/20%, 50%50%, etc...

It would help revert to a 50/50 size vertically the terminals panels or set the horizontal size to 80/20 for the RDP connection and the terminals in the example below:


It would be a great time saving functionnality ! :)

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