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Using additional Mouse Buttons via Remote Desktop Connection

 Is it possible if you can allow Royal Ts to support the use of additional mouse buttons when in a when in a Remote Desktop Connection.

For example the forward and backwards buttons on my mouse allows me to go back or forward within windows explorer or in a browser.

Can this feature be implemented in future products?

Hi Luca,

please post your question in the Ideas forum for Royal TSX for macOS. The implementation we are using on Windows is different than the one we use on macOS.

Thank you,

Hi, are there some news about this integration?

I'm using Royal TSX but I think it's the same issue. 

RTSX Will be more than perfect if I'll be able to connect my personal Macbook to Office PC or Azure VMs with additional mouse buttons.

Has anyone found some workaround? I think that usb over the network must be a way.


I will write an email to MS. Just to set the expectation right, my last 2 emails to the team a couple of months back have not been answered yet. I'm not really sure if they are read/considered. Therefore I also suggest you use the Windows Feedback Hub and request something like this:

"mstsc.exe provides support for my additional mouse buttons in the remote session. RD Web Access does not. Can you please provide the same capabilities in the RDP ActiveX control / RD Web Access?"

You can then also share that feedback hub link here to let other users vote for it as well. In my experience this is far more effective.


Hi Stefan,

I raised a support request with the Royal Ts team which suggested using the device re-direction options. After testing them, none of the options worked. So it si possible if you can get in contact with your MS Peers? This would be a great help :)


That's actually helpful. It explains a lot. You could try to enable device redirection in the Advanced -> Redirection page and see if this then resolves the issue. If that doesn't work, I can only offer to contact one of my MS peers and ask them if there's a solution or if that's a limitation of the RDP component.

Unfortunately i'm not aware of any setting with mstsc.exe which controls this setting. Im not sure if this link might help? It explains that the back and forward buttons on a mouse are not HID based.

But im not sure if this is the root cause...

There are differences between mstsc.exe and the Microsoft RDP ActiveX components. I'm also quite surprised that this behaves differently in mstsc.exe. I've checked the interfaces here available for the component:

I wasn't able to find a setting which would control this behavior. Are you aware of a setting in mstsc.exe or in the .rdp file which controls the behavior? Maybe this can point me to the right direction.

Hi Stefan,

Are you sure? When i use the built in remote desktop connection application built into windows, the ability to use my back and forward buttons on my work.


thanks for your feedback here in the ideas forum. I did some research and I'm afraid that cannot be implemented. We are using the Microsoft RDP component which ships with Windows and it doesn't support this kind of integration. I'm sorry but this is something which Microsoft has to support in their RDP component first so that we can light up that feature in Royal TS. You could use the Microsoft Feedback Hub application in Windows 10 to provide feedback to Microsoft.


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