I have noticed that in the terminal connection settings, under advanced > input > scrollback the field scrollback lines is limited to a maximum value of 99999 lines.
PuTTY however, allows up to 2147483647 lines of scrollback (2^31-1).
It is quite easy to exceed 100k lines in a terminal session, particularly if push erased text into scrollback is enabled.
Programs like top, less, tail, cat, etc. will chew that up in no time. ;-)
Christian Wissel
great program, loving it so far. :-)
I have noticed that in the terminal connection settings, under advanced > input > scrollback the field scrollback lines is limited to a maximum value of 99999 lines.
PuTTY however, allows up to 2147483647 lines of scrollback (2^31-1).
It is quite easy to exceed 100k lines in a terminal session, particularly if push erased text into scrollback is enabled.
Programs like top, less, tail, cat, etc. will chew that up in no time. ;-)
Can you please raise this limit?