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Possibility to use KiTTY instead PuTTY

I use public key authentication with putty agent so i can't use rebex terminal :( i use putty, but putty has the annoying "Feature" that you always get a modal dialog:


PuTTY Fatal Error


Remote side unexpectedly closed network connection




when a session disconnects (e.g. if i reboot the remote server), which i do not want, especially because i have the setting that the tabs keep open on disconnect...

if we could use kitty (an fork of putty with aditional features) this dialog would be gone...

implementation should be really easy because kitty is nearly the same then putty, it just saves it session in another path Software\\KiTTY\Sessions and the window is called KiTTY


thanks for the feedback. I implemented two additional plugin settings to configure the base registry path and the window title match. I've done a couple of tests using KiTTY and it seems to work well. The next beta release will have that on board. Stay tuned...


2 people like this

just downloaded the latest beta and using it with kitty, works as expected... BIG THANKS

Glad to hear that!

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