Feature Request: Storing RTS file password credentials in another RTS file
started a topic
over 5 years ago
Feature Request:
Can the password for an RTS file be saved in another [as
a "Master RTS file"]... then have that password associated with subsequent RTS files upon launch to eliminate the manual process of entering
multiple passwords for each RTS file?
Scenario: There are four password protected RTS files that
are opened when launching RoyalTS. The user [me in this situation] need
to enter the password for each file, which can be a cumbersome process.
Sample workflow:
1. Launch RoyalTS.
2. A number of RTS files are configured to open [according to the "Start and Exit" > Open a selection of documents list].
3. RTS file #1 opens and prompts for a password.
4. RTS file #2 opens and prompts for a password.
5. RTS file #3 opens and prompts for a password.
6. RTS file #4 opens and prompts for a password.
Ideal scenario #1: "Master" RTS file credential
1. Launch RoyalTS.
2. A number of RTS files are configured to open [according to the "Start and Exit" > Open a selection of documents list].
3. RTS file #1 opens and prompts for a password.
4. RTS file #2 opens using the password configured in RTS file #1.
5. RTS file #3 opens using the password configured in RTS file #1.
6. RTS file #4 opens using the password configured in RTS file #1.
Ideal scenario #2: "Chained" RTS file credentials
1. Launch RoyalTS.
2. A number of RTS files are configured to open [according to the "Start and Exit" > Open a selection of documents list].
3. RTS file #1 opens and prompts for a password.
4. RTS file #2 opens using the password configured in RTS file #1.
5. RTS file #3 opens using the password configured in RTS file #2.
6. RTS file #4 opens using the password configured in RTS file #3.
Feature Request: