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Local Terminal Embedded in Royal TS


Sorry I'm posting a lot of ideas recently, but I think they would be good ones. Can we implement a local embedded terminal like Cygwin (be able to updated packages, etc.) into Royal TS? Use commands like openssl locally on my machine for an instance is an example.

MobaXTerm does this as shown in the attachment as an example. This would be useful sometimes when I need to test stuff outside of connections, etc.


1 person likes this idea


Feedback is always welcome! Please don't stop ;)

A local terminal is not shipped in Royal TS but with the external application connection you can embed the terminal of your choice easily. Check out this blog post:

Let me know if this helps.



Thanks for the article. It helped me understand external application embedding a little bit better. 

I did try this with Cygwin for Windows and it did embed the first time using this method, but when I close the tab and click on the icon again in navigation it just pops it out again and no more embedding in the tab. Any ideas? Can you try it on your end with Cygwin, and see if you get the same results?


maybe there's a configuration issue. Can you open a support ticket here

Please provide screenshots of your external app connection settings, especially the advanced settings.



An update on this: We've already got a few tickets on this and we took a very deep look on it, but unfortunately we are not able to get the Cygwin terminal embedded into Royal TS. Once Cygwin Terminal launches, it starts some subprocesses and changes the window handle, making Royal TS not able to determine the correct window handle anymore and failing to embed it. 

And just to add: The tool Cmder is also doing the same "magic" and therefore does not work as well.

Sorry for not having better news!




Sorry I haven't found a more recent post about this feature, so resurrecting this old thread.

I'm also coming from MobaXTerm. IMHO, the idea of a separate local terminal as the one found in MobaXTerm is kinda obsolete now that everyone has WSL. But now pretty everyone using Windows has 3 local terminals - cmd.exe, PowerShell and WSL. MobaXTerm detects all of them automatically and treats natively as any remote connection.

With RoyalTS I have 2 options, each having significant drawbacks:

1. I can run cmd.exe/wsl.exe/powershell.exe as an external application. But in this case:
- I lose all the handy features such as logging, text highlighting, clipboard review before paste etc.
- Even more important, external applications break hotkeys completely (try Ctrl+Tab or Ctrl+Shift+PgDown from external application tab...)
- For Royal TS to successfully capture external application, I have to change the default terminal from modern Windows Terminal to legacy Console Host, leaving me with ugly old window if I launch local terminal outside of Royal TS.

2. For WSL only, I can set up SSH connection to WSL distribution instead and add a normal terminal connection to it in Royal TS. It's much better, but still:
- it requires extra effort to assign a static IP to WSL distribution;
- it won't start WSL distribution if for some reason it's stopped.

That's why I'm looking forward to see improved local terminal support in Royal TS. It surprises me that this feature is not discussed a lot here.
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