the next major version will have a $Clipboard$ replacement token.
I can't tell but it's soon. I'm waiting for a couple of bugs to be fixed on .net 7 and devexpress and as soon as they are resolved or a workaround can be found, I will post a beta build. Should be days or worst case a week or two.
you can test this feature in the latest Royal TS V7 beta:
Hi Kenneth,
this feature is currently not available but I put it on our feature list.
hi Stefan, I still did not find it in tokens. Will be this features in RTS? Thank you Filip
i tried {HOLD:CTRL}v{RELEASE:CTRL}{WAIT:500}{ENTER} but it is not working for login purpose because it is not allow to enter clipboard into password filed. It can be done via "Type Clipboard" so it will be really nice to have this ({CLIPBOARD} variable) in key sequence. Thank you
hi Stefan, it is great news. Any eta for beta? ;o) Thank you
hi Stefan, I did not find it anywhere. Please can you be more specific. I would expect in "special tokens" but I did not find in any other "Insert" menu. Thank you Filip
Hi Filip,
I'm sorry for the confusion. It seems that the released beta has an issue where the menu item is not always added. Your guess with "Special Tokens" was correct but there are situations where it doesn't appear. However, you can use the $Clipboard$ token regardless. Please let me know if this is working for you.
hi Stefan, it is working nicely. Thank you
basic use: $Clipboard${WAIT:500}{ENTER}
Thanks for letting me know. Glad it's working correctly.
Kenneth Dearing
I am needing to pull info from my clipboard in my command tasks and key sequence.
I feel like there is a way i'm just overlooking it.
Show {Paste here} blah blah blah [Enter]
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