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RoyalTS access via rdp gateway if vpn not connected


I'm trying to get my mind around the options for connecting via rdp gatway in RoyalTS. Basically for longer than I can remember I've opened a vpn link to our core office and used RoyalTS to manage our 200+ instances of servers across all our remote branch offices which in itself is fantastic. That being said we now have rd gateway servers at every remote branch that our users connect through that have much higher bandwidth than our management vpn link. So this got my wondering if there was a way in RoyalTS I could configure it so that if my vpn wasn't active and it couldn't connect to a server by the normal internal name that it would failover and use the rdp gateway server to connect instead ? Has anyone tried something along these lines ? I really don't want to have to keep two royalts files updated if I can avoid it with one being vpn and one being rdp gateway, or duplicate the 200+ servers. Is there some magic right click option I missed somewhere ??


in the Gateway page (under Advanced, where you configure the Remote Desktop Gateway), there's an option to connect on demand:

This functionality is provided by Microsoft's Remote Desktop component, we're using.



Wow thanks for the super quick reply, I had gone straight past that option, couple of quick bulk edits to the document and I'm in business. Thanks again !

Glad I could help!


Whilst it is working with the on demand setting, it seems to be the preferred method regardless of whether the vpn link is open or not, so not a show stopper by any means but thought I would mention it in case others stumble across it. When I tested it I just assumed it was going across the vpn link instead of the rd gateway till I hit one of our remote sites that blocked my account for connection


the remote desktop gateway behavior is something we do not have any control of. This is completely done by Microsoft's RDP ActiveX control which is used in Royal TS. There's unfortunately nothing we can do to change the behavior.



No worries, id say I would be the in the minority in terms of the usage scenario. I was going to try and bring down one of the rd gateways in our next maintenance window and see what happens if fails over to the vpn link out of curiosity. Maybe as a future option if anyone uses it in the same scenario could be something in the right click connect with options menu to not use the rdgateway. I'm still happy either way as its not hard to bulk modify and turn off the gateway. Thanks for all the support

Hi Jarrod,

in the next major release we introduce a Remote Desktop Gateway object which behaves similar to the Secure Gateway object. With this, you will have the option (using the right-click menu) to connect without gateway at any time.

Stay tuned...


Sounds great !

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