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KeePass Field References


I discovered recently the great feature of using KeePass credentials within RoyalTS connections. After changing some connection properties I recognized that obviously field references are not working (reference string will be used instead of the real reference).

Please support KeePass field references for credentials.

(65.9 KB)

I'm happy to report that Royal TS 5.0 has been released and includes this feature.

For more information about the major new features of Royal TS 5.0, please head over to our

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Hi Filip,

these are actually two distinct operations.

If you import the keepass file, it will be converted to an .rtsz document and you can modify the imported objects. This is supposed to be a one-time operation to get your data into Royal TS.

If you just "open" the keepass file, it will be converted to a special .rtsz document which cannot be modified (kind of read-only). You can use the creds as references and you can right-click the document to reload again with the latest changes you may have applied in keepass itself.

Let me know if this helps.


Hi, how about to keep this information somewhere else? Credential/reference ID? or how about to convert from KeePass to RTS format during opening? Thank you Filip

BTW: it is great feature.
PS: is it imported or is it getting data always from file (it can be different if file will change during time)

Sure, I was hoping for another answer but thanks for the explanation.


I'm sorry but I'm afraid we cannot support this, especially in the password field. Our KeePass support is limited to the objects and their properties relevant to Royal TS as credential. As you may have noticed, the objects created from the KeePass database are credential objects in a Royal TS document.

Sorry I have no better news for you.


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