Hi Benedikt,
sorry for the late reply! Actually we do have such functionality on our roadmap. But I can't offer any ETA yet.
Is this available yet ?
Hi Terence,
unfortunately not. It had been pushed back all the time because this topic wasn't very active. I will keep this open to see if there's an increase of interest. I guess most people with a huge amount of sessions probably just wrote a small powershell script to import all the sessions.
Just in case it's useful to anyone i adapted the RoyalTS tutorial doc to work with a SuperPutty Sessions file.
Just export from SuperPutty to sessions.xml or whatever and use this scr1pt.
It assumes you have installed the RoyalDocument.PowerShell module into your session.
param( [string]$SuperPuttyFile = ".\Sessions.XML", [string]$OutFileName = "outputcsv.rtsz" ) function CreateRoyalFolderHierarchy() { param( [string]$folderStructure, [string]$splitter, $Folder ) $currentFolder = $Folder $folderStructure -split $splitter | % { $folder = $_ $existingFolder = Get-RoyalObject -Folder $currentFolder -Name $folder -Type RoyalFolder if ($existingFolder) { Write-Verbose "Folder $folder already exists - using it" $currentFolder = $existingFolder } else { Write-Verbose "Folder $folder does not exist - creating it" $newFolder = New-RoyalObject -Folder $currentFolder -Name $folder -Type RoyalFolder $currentFolder = $newFolder } } return $currentFolder } if(Test-Path $OutFileName) {Remove-Item $OutFileName} [xml]$xml = Get-Content -Path $SuperPuttyFile $store = New-RoyalStore -UserName "PowerShellUser" $doc = New-RoyalDocument -Store $store -Name "Powershell import from CSV" -FileName $OutFileName $xml.ArrayOfSessionData.SessionData | ForEach-Object { $server = $_ Write-Host "Importing $($server.Name)" $count = $server.SessionId -split "/" $sessionFolder = ($server.sessionID -split "/")[0..($count.count - 2)] -Join "/" $lastFolder = CreateRoyalFolderHierarchy -folderStructure $sessionFolder -Splitter "\/" -Folder $doc $newConnection = New-RoyalObject -Folder $lastFolder -Type RoyalSSHConnection -Name $server.SessionName $newConnection.URI = $server.Host } Out-RoyalDocument -Document $doc -FileName $OutFileName
Thanks for sharing, Richard! Much appreciated!
Benedikt Blömer
as the support told me, there is a function to import saved Putty Sessions.
Now, it would be great to import all saved Putty Sessions to RoyalTS at once.
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