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Very slow RDP performance

Came from nowhere. After install RDP was working just fine until last week. I don't remember doing anything on my system or updating RoyalTSX plugin.  

Maybe. In my network i got WSUS server so updates a automatic across all windows machine. That would explain... you know i there is one server outside my AD with auto updates turned off and RDP with caching is working fine. Still not 100% sure but it's probably Windows bug.

Hi Anton,

it's quite possible that a certain Windows update caused this.

Do you recall installing Windows updates recently?



I found that you can kinda fix this problem by turning off bitmap cashing. Still does not explain why

it was working find with bitmap cashing before.

Hi Anton,

since you didn't install an Royal TSX update it's very likely that it's not our software that is causing the slowdown but rather something on your server or network infrastructure.

To generally boost RDP performance you might want to look into the "Performance" settings of your RDP connection. You might also want to try to play with the "Advanced - Connection - Compression" setting.



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