The next V5 beta will also have the "Open with..." command available in the file transfer connection.
@Daniele: Glad that helps!
Thanks! I see that you added a new option "open with..". That should be enough. Thanks again.
When will that next "big release" be released? Because as it stands now, I'm afraid the feature is almost useless. If I double-click on .sh files, they are downloaded and then run! If I double-click on .py files, they are downloaded and run! etc.. I really hope the next release allows a setting to override the system associations of a file and ALWAYS open it with specified editor. I don't want to destroy my file associations by associating everything with my editor.
Hi Iván,
when you double click a file for editing, we download it and then simply ask the OS to open it in whatever application is configured to open the file type. For files without an extension, there's no default application to configured on macOS. To open such files, you will have to modify your default file/application mappings in macOS. For instance, download such a file with Royal TSX, then open the inspector in Finder and change the associated application and click "Change all...".
In the next major release we will add support for choosing the application to open files with.
Hi Felix,
Thanks for that quick one. One works perfectly.
I have also another topic related. While double-click works to edit it, some files are simply not opened for edit. I do just simply the same "double-click" and some opens and some not. I wonder if that depends on something like the file extension, but I've checked and not.
The only thing that I notice is, that when the file that I try to double-click for edit, has an empty logo/icon it doesn't work.
For example, if the icon on the left of the filename, is an empty and white one, it doesn't open the file at all.
I've tried to refresh the remote folder, close and open again the tool, but nothing.
Thanks for help.
Hi Ivan,
to open and edit a file, just double-click it. We then watch for changes to the file and if we detect a change, we upload the modified version to the remote server.
Hope that helps!
In this thread it is mentioned that a Beta version for Mac supporting live-edit over SFTP is ready, and people is confirming that it works.
I've version 3.3, and when I use File Transfer plugging and connect over SFTP, I don't see any edit/live edit option.
Is that because I've using Mac version?
@Christos: Perfect! Glad to hear it's working fine for you! =)
Hello yes working perfect now. Thanks for the instant fixing
@Christos: We've just released version of the file transfer plugin which now stores temporary files within subdirectories to prevent that kind of issue.
Please let me know if it works for you!
@Christos, if you can replicate this bug, open a support ticket and include the steps to replicate.
One small bug, if i have 1 file named test.php and another one file named test.php on one other folder, if i open the first one and then i will open the second one , the editor tell me if i want to update the already opened file, so i think that it cant understand that the first file is another from the second one.
@Christos: That's definitely planned for a future update.
Mark Hensler
I love the new Connect with SCP/SFTP options. However...
Once connected, I would like to be able to open/edit a file without first having to manually download it. If I make changes/save the opened document, I want the changes to be pushed back to the remote host.
8 people like this idea