
Royal TSX provides a powerful scripting interface based on AppleScript.
This allows you to automate repetive tasks or even add functionality to Royal TSX.
The best way to get started with scripting Royal TSX is to have a look at our samples listed below or to browse the documentation using macOS' Script Editor.


AppleScript samples can be downloaded from our Toolbox repository on Github.

Included are samples for different tasks like:
  • Retrieving information from connections
  • Establishing and closing connections
  • Document operations (open/save/close)
  • Creating connections
  • Importing connections from CSV files (Basic, Extended and visionapp Remote Desktop samples)
    Note: Since Royal TSX 2.1 importing CSV files is supported directly from the UI!
  • Exporting connections to CSV files
  • Exporting connection to .rdp files
  • Modifying Remote Desktop connections based on the default settings

If you have suggestions for additional samples, please don't hesitate and post a request!

Additional Samples

Automator workflow to open selected folder in Royal TSX:

With a little help of Automator, AppleScript and some preparation you can make Royal TSX open a Terminal at the folder currently selected in Finder.
  • First off, create a new Terminal Connection called "Local Terminal” and set it’s “Connection Type” to “Custom Terminal”
  • Then download the Automator workflow from here
  • Extract, then install the workflow
  • From now on, when right-clicking folders in Finder you should have a new item available under “Services” called “New Royal TSX Terminal at Folder”

Object Properties

You can find all the available properties by looking at the Replacement Tokens of Command Tasks.
Here's how to get the property name for the "Windows Key Passthrough" setting for instance:
  • Create a new Command Task
  • Open the Command section of the Command Task Settings
  • Click the "Fly Out" button on the right of the Command text field
  • Go to Remote Desktop -> More -> Keyboard -> Windows Key and click the menu item
  • You should now have a replacement token of $EnableWindowsKey$ in the text field
  • The text between the dollar signs is the actual property name. In this case EnableWindowsKey