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RDP Right Click using ctrl/opt+click


I use the Magic Mouse as a single button mouse (my fingers can't figure out to use it as a two button mouse), which gives me a problem with RDP as Royal TSX RDP does not pass on ctrl or opt + click as right click. 

There are tools which can do this, but they are not great, and are not really a solution.

Please add "ctrl+click" or "opt+click" as right click. 

Best Answer

Hi Casper,

you can use control+shift+click inside RDP sessions to trigger a right-click.

The reason we have to add shift to the modifiers is that control+click is used for selecting multiple files on Windows machines.

Hope that helps!



No worries! Glad I could help.



Thanks, wonder why I missed that - works like a charm.


Hi Casper,

you can use control+shift+click inside RDP sessions to trigger a right-click.

The reason we have to add shift to the modifiers is that control+click is used for selecting multiple files on Windows machines.

Hope that helps!



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