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Pulling Events from Server - Calling up "Details" of the listed Evets possible?

Like the title already suggest,

I recently started working with RTS, so sorry if this a "dumb" question.

I'm pulling via RTS events from a handful server to keep a fast overview. So far, so good. However I only get the "basic" stuff listed. ID, Server, Type etc.

Is there a way to get more details e.g. opening the event as popup?

Oh and is there are way to increase the time-out time for Event requests? Some times when starting the event puller it runs in a time out.. Restarting it once or twice normally fixes it.


Best Answer

Hi Robin,

when connected, you have a cogwheel on the right side of the toolbar. Check the "Details Panel" for the information you are looking for.

As for the timeout, this is unfortunately not configurable. Is this happening because of too many entries returned or because the filtering takes too long on the destination machine?




That would be wonderful, thanks a lot :-)

Might I throw in something completly unrelated at this point? I'm using the website in german and the "Like" Button (for example on your last answer) turns into a text label when pressed. But the label is translated incorrectly.

Currently it says "Sie gefällt dies". While this *could* be translated back to english as "You like this", nobody would use this phrase and it's grammatically wrong.

Correct translations would be either "Sie mögen diesen Beitrag" / "Ihnen gefällt diese Antwort" but the most common (e.g. on Facebook) translation would be "Gefällt mir", which is short and translates into "I like (this)"


I will trigger an internal discussion and we will see what we can do.



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Thanks Michael and sorry for the late reply. Slipped simply through..

I identified the "time out" problem, one of the servers were shutdown and the responsible colleague forgot to mention it to me :)

However this leads to my next question. Is it possible to have such an "Event grabbing" run even if one server isn't reachable? I'm quiete happy with the feature itself, looks good and allows a quick monitoring for critical events without setting up addition alerts / keeping those reserved for critical events.


Ah, thanks for the clarification. The timeout happens between the client (Royal TS) and the server (Royal Server) which itself spreads out the query to the 10 servers you mentioned.

If only one of them is slow(er), it will result in a timeout (which kills the whole connection). Maybe you are able to find out if there is a particular server that is slower. 

I suggest, you open a ticket where we can have a more detailed look at this. 

Thanks Michael,

I activated the details field "automatically" from the settings. After deactivating it & restarting the connection, it somehow seems to work now (can be toggled via cogwheel / button).

I need to look a bit deeper into the whole time out problematic. Either its really just a filtering problem or something else. Too many entries isn't possible, we / I only grab the Errors from maximum 10 servers in one object/connection and then only from the last 24 hours. That sums up to maybe 10 entries per whole connection. 


Hi Robin,

when connected, you have a cogwheel on the right side of the toolbar. Check the "Details Panel" for the information you are looking for.

As for the timeout, this is unfortunately not configurable. Is this happening because of too many entries returned or because the filtering takes too long on the destination machine?



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